
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 19:17:37

compound interest

interest over interest

interest-on-interest 曾在china daily看过这样的表达

compound interest 也是指利滚利的意思,大概比较专业一点,而前者易懂


interests snowball


Autism Therapies and Homeschooling of Pamela Glaser - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]Like Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo!, her interests snowball into something incredible. Pamela liked animals. Because of animals, Pamela liked Disney. Because of Disney, she liked videos. Because of videos, she learned to read. ...
home.earthlink.net/~tammyglaser798/pamela.html - 34k - 网页快照 - 类似网页